
Bash (2) Linux (2) Books (1) Debugging (1) Qt (1) api design (1)

понедельник, 18 апреля 2011 г.

Bash & debugging

One more thing I've came across in linux is debugging.

Had to implement an application that is separate in two modules: exe and dll. Ok, build scripts put both of those to one directory, but if you just start exe, then linux will not find corresponding dll.

Spent for about a day or two before found a following (and currently the best) solution for myself.

/lib/ld-linux.so.2 --library-path [path_to_library] [executable_name]
Works pretty nice.

Other issue was to get error stream output. Found a bit easier: somewhere in wiki.
[exec_name] 2>&1
This moves error stream to output stream. Quite handy thing for debugging.

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